After 90 days in the house, two double evictions and 36 episodes, the new winner was crowned. With a final three that consisted of GinaMarie Zimmerman, Spencer Clawson and Andy Herren, members of the late-forming Exterminators alliance, the one who came out on top was: Andy. Meet the 16 Houseguests Who did America vote as the $25,000 winner? It was: Elissa. (The top three vote getters were Elissa, Howard and Judd.) Here's how it all went down: The Final HOH 

Competition The first part of the HOH competition is simple. Whoever can hold on in the skater-inspired challenge the longest is named the winner.
Spencer quickly dropped, after failing to hold on, leaving Andy and GinaMarie. Andy struggled mightily -- even making odd sounds as he struggled through the competition -- but GinaMarie also had trouble maintaining her balance, lasting just long enough after Andy unceremoniously fell. “Oh, my god, glitter!” GinaMarie exclaimed after notching the key Pt. 1 victory. But not so fast! GinaMarie must’ve swallowed a few pieces of glitter because before you knew it, she was hacking up a lung. The second part of the HOH competition between Spencer and Andy had the two picking crabs with houseguests’ faces and rock-climbing up the wall to put their faces in the number corresponding to when they were evicted. Spencer had a more systematic approach, going in order, while Andy went with the other route, finding whatever houseguests’ faces he could and inserting them in their appropriate places. Both struggled, but Andy dominated with a time of 21:54.


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